Love and Blessings,
D. S.
When Jean P. came to me for the first time, three-and-a-half years ago, his behavior showed anxiety and fear. His hands were shaking, his pupils were dilated, and an underlying tremor was visible on his face. He was taking phenobarbital, an anti-seizure medication, and drinking a massive amount of black tea. The drug was prescribed by a neurologist from the Mayo clinic in 1979 for traumatic brain injuries and was to be taken for the rest of his life. He had now been taking it for over 25 years and visibly was suffering from severe side effects. In an effort to optimize his liver function, we decided to wean him off with the help of a neurologist.
Jean P. is a yoga teacher and he was familiar with meditation and awareness techniques. He got excited about making use of these tools in order to be present and watchful in his own life. He replaced his vegetarian diet with a Gerson diet and eliminated all caffeine products. His PSA was 7.2 on December 2006. It went down to 4.0 in June of 2007. It stayed at 4.0 for the past three years: 2008, 2009, 2010. His story is truly a story of success using Gerson Therapy. I hope it brings you inspiration.
Today Jean P enjoys a new life and looks completely transformed. Below is Jean P’s personal account of the joys and pains of his healing journey- Dr. Baylac
In 2006, I went to see Dr. Latimer because I had frequent urination at night and difficulties urinating. My doctor did a digital rectal exam which ended up being suspicious, so he did a biopsy. The results showed prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 6. This is a very aggressive tumor for a 50 years old. He recommended prostectomy, radiation and castration. These are very aggressive therapies. I declined his treatments. This is when I was referred to Dr. Baylac for Gerson Therapy.
The conventional treatments had side effects that scared me. I enjoyed my sex life and I did not want to give it up. I did not want to take a chance and end up incontinent for the rest of my life. My PSA was 7.2 at that time. Although I was not eating processed foods, I was on an imbalanced natural diet. I decided to do the Gerson therapy to the exclusion of any other treatments. My physician recommended Dr Baylac who had a clinic on the same island. I did her 2 week Gerson Therapy program and followed up outpatient visits for 2 years. I continued to follow the Gerson program at home for 3 years!
Coming home I got rid of soy products, got a Norwalk juicer, and transformed my kitchen. I weaned from phenobarbital over a one year period.
For 2 years, I stayed kitchen bound and did the Gerson Therapy full program. My PSA slowly came down to 4.0 and has remained at this level for the last 3 years. Incontinence and difficult urination have disappeared, I feel calm and relaxed in my mind and body. I am full of energy. My sexual life is active without a need for Viagra type aids. I have a full head of brown hair. People ask me "Are you dying your hair now?" And I say "No!” I have all my hair and no grey. I think it is the effect of the therapy!
I continue juicing with lugol and potassium and triad. These are my only medications so far!! I still follow Gerson as the basis for my diet today, which is 95% organic!! The urologist Dr Latimer wrote in my file (12/28/06) after I was on the Gerson therapy for 12 months: "The ineffectiveness of his present therapy has risks of death, risks of impotence and incontinence". Today I enjoy dark hair growth, a steady gait, and no shaking. My PSA remains constant at 4.0.
I am starting a new life with my wife who supported me throughout this entire time. I juice my life with 100% organically grown fruits and vegetables and lead a healthy lifestyle. We are very happy and very healthy and basking in the clean air and healthy living.
I enjoy a professional and social life again thanks to Dr. Baylac! And I hope that a lot people will follow my path…
Jean P.