Monday, August 11, 2008

The Castor Oil Pack

The Castor Oil Pack
            The castor bean (Oleum Ricine), also known as Palma Christi, due to its shape and healing properties, is known principally as a cathartic (strong laxative).  A gentler use is in the form of a pack placed over the abdomen, usually with heat applied.  The oil is absorbed into the lymphatic circulation to provide a soothing, cleansing, and nutritive treatment.
            The castor oil pack has many applications, and is specific in cases of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts that are non-malignant.  Other conditions which respond well include: headaches, liver disorders, constipation, intestinal disorders, gallbladder inflammation or stones, conditions with poor elimination, night time urinary frequency and inflamed joints.
            It is NOT to be used with pregnancy, bleeding or during menstruation.
Materials Needed:
            Castor oil, 2 sheets of plastic (garbage bags OK), 36"x18" white cotton or wool flannel, heating pad or hot water bottle, old sheet, wool blanket, pillows, baking soda.


1.   Fold flannel into 3 thickness to fit over your entire abdomen.


2.   Soak flannel with the castor oil.  Fold flannel in half and strip excess oil from pack, unfold.


3.   You can then heat the entire pack in a microwave for 1 to 1 ½ minutes.


4.   Lay wool blanket, old sheet, large sheet of plastic and old towel out on the surface you will be lying on.  This will prevent staining.


5.   Lie on your back, with your feet elevated (use of pillow under your knees and feet works well), placing flannel over abdomen, cover with a small sheet of plastic and towel and then place a heating pad or hot water bottle on top.


6.  Wrap yourself in the sheet and wool blanket.


7.   Leave pack on for 45-60 minutes.  This is an excellent time to now practice visualization, meditation or relaxation breathing (this involves placing 1 hand on your diaphragm and the other on your lower abdomen.  As you breath in, force your lower abdomen to swell like a balloon.  With each breath out, practice relaxing your jaw and shoulders.  As you practice more, relax all muscles in your body).  Alternatively to these you may just sleep.  Some people will wear the pack all night using an ace bandage to hold it in place.


8.   After finishing, to remove the oil, wash with a solution of 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 quart water or BioKleen Citrus soapTM.


9.   Store the pack in your fridge in a large zip-lock bag.  Reuse the pack several times, adding more oil as needed to keep the pack saturated.  Replace the pack after it begins to change color. 


10. For maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to apply the pack as often as possible.  Try for at least 4 consecutive days per week for at least 4-6 weeks.  Patients who use the pack daily will receive the most beneficial effects.

The "DO ANYWHERE" Castor Oil Pack
  1. Soak flannel in castor oil until saturated.


  1. Heat in microwave 1 to 1 ½ minutes until hot.
  1. Apply to abdomen and put an opened plastic bag or piece of plastic wrap on top of the flannel.


  1. Then wrap abdomen with an old towel so it overlaps at front.


  1. Tie this comfortably tight by using 2 ace bandages, one around the ribs and the other around the waist, to keep the pack close to the body.


  1. Apply heating pad over this to maintain heat.


  1. Wrap up in a robe/gown and read or relax for 45-60 minutes.


  1. Store pack as previously described.


  1. Use the pack as often as possible.
Alternative Method:
            Many patients now apply the castor oil directly to the abdomen without the flannel pack.  You then proceed as before covering with plastic, towel, and place a heating pad or hot water bottle on top.  This is often applied for the entire night and in the morning the castor oil will be totally absorbed through the skin.  Remember to use old sheets on your bed as the castor oil does stain (which cannot be removed).
Thanks to D.W. Thom, D.

The Castor Oil Pack

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Active Volcano

Active Volcano!

The Kilauea Volcano has been extremely active in recent months although
it has been erupting since 1983. During a stay with us at Hawaii
Naturopathic Retreat Center exploring one of many Big Islands treasures
can be expected. We are happy to arrange for a tour of the current
eruption site near Kalapana located only 30 minutes from our retreat.
These photos show some of the spectacle of the lava erupting, creating
new earth before our eyes. The energy associated with the volcano is so
strong we feel it from a great distance. The current eruption is
entering the ocean, the combination of fire and water can mesmerize one
for hours.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Honokaa raw food demo dinner

June 14,2008
Hello raw dinner demo participants! There were 19 of you and 3 of us
from Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center that evening at the beautiful
Honokaa green house.
It was a lot of fun sharing our medicinal gourmet food with you. We
were a bit heavy on the nut side and did not pay much attention to
food combining. We were thinking more about exciting your palate and
convert you to raw foods, than composing a balanced meal. Shame on
us! However, I actually think that we are still in line with the
laws of nature that wants us to have pleasure while eating so that we
preserve the species. So we are still in line with our nature cure
philosophy! . Fats certainly contribute a lot to taste of foods. On
the fat side we had coconut, hemp seed, sunflower seed, flax seed....
a bit too much for a common daily diet. Luckily we had high levels
of anti oxidants in our raw cacao mousse to compensate and protect us
from the possible free radical damage of rancid oils, although most
of our seeds are kept in the freezer or the refrigerator.
We posted the recipes of our dinner menu for your use. You may
reproduce them. You will need a dehydrator for the pizza crust and
the crackers or you may want to wait for our next meeting in July and
we will bring the crusts to you. All you will have to do is the
pesto and tomato sauce. For dressing and sauces you will need is a
blender. We use a Vita Mix. I encourage you to get one if you want
to get more into raw food. Next time I will bring some of our
kitchen tools so that you may see what you need to get set up.
We will meet again on July 15. The theme for this meeting will be
daily sustainable and highly digestible menu.
I am looking forward to seeing you all soon. Bring your friend with
you next time.
Dr. Baylac

Friday, June 13, 2008

Raw Hummus

Raw Hummus

2 cloves garlic
1 handful fresh cilantro
1 cup chopped zucchini
1-2 Tbsp chopped onion
Blend in a food processor with s blade.
Then add:
3 cups sprouted garbanzo beans
2 Tbsp. flax oil
2 Tbsp.  Nama shoyu
1 Tbsp lemon, lime juice or apple cider vinegar
Blend in food processor until creamy consistency.

Pizza Tomato Sauce

Pizza Tomato Sauce


2 cups tomatoes
2 cups sun-dried tomatoes, rehydrated
2 Tbsp. oil
1 date, pitted
1tsp.-minced garlic
3 large fresh basil leaves
1 tsp. dried oregano
½ tsp. sea salt
Place all ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth.

Pizza Crust

Pizza Crust


1 ½ cups soaked buckwheat
1 cup soaked sunflower seeds
1 Tbsp.  Fresh rosemary
1 Tbsp.  Fresh basil
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried marjoram
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp Nama soyu
5 dried tomatoes
Little agava
Place in food processor and blend until thick paste.
Spread 1 cm think on reflex sheets. 
Dehydrate 6-8 hours at 115 degrees.
Assembling pizza
Layer with:
Tomato sauce
Then top with thinly sliced fresh tomatoes, red onion and any other desirable vegetables.




1/3-cup Mac nuts
1-cup basil
1 tbsp lemon or lime
1-2 cloves garlic
3 tbsp oil
Blend in food processor with s blade till smooth.
Malea Joel
Office Assistant
Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center
Dr. Nicole Baylac




1/3-cup Mac nuts
1-cup basil
1 tbsp lemon or lime
1-2 cloves garlic
3 tbsp oil
Blend in food processor with s blade till smooth.

Onion Bread

Onion Bread


1-cup ground flax
1 cup soaked sunflower seeds
3 medium onions
¼ cup oil
1 Tbsp. Nama shoyu or miso with 1 ½ cups water
 Blend in food processor until well combined.
 Dehydrate for 6- 8 hours at 115 degrees.

Ginger Cilantro Dressing

Ginger Cilantro Dressing

1-Cup Cilantro
1-inch fresh ginger
3 tbsp. ginger
3 Tbsp Flax oil
1 tsp. Agava
Blend in vita mix.
Then add and blend till smooth
1/3-cup Hemp seeds
Nama soyu to taste
Water to desired consistency.

Chocolate Mouse

Chocolate Moose


1/3-cup soft coconut meat
1 cup chocolate sapote or any other creamy fruit
1/4-cup citrus juice
¼ cup whole cocoa beans
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3 Tbsp. Agava or Honey
Place in vita mix and blend until smooth consistency.
Serve plain or with strawberry sauce.

Strawberry Sauce

1-cup strawberries
1 Tbsp. Agava
Place in vita mix and blend until creamy.