Monday, June 22, 2009




We live on noni kingdom.  Noni trees emerge from hard lava, form thick hedges along the roadside. The bulky trees have large broad leafs, and branches growing perpendicular to its trunk extending straight out that makes it difficult to approach it. Pickers harvest the fruits from farms to farms or in the wilderness and deliver it to small factories that press them and extract the juice.  I have tried my own small production.  I have harvest the fruits according to the rules taught by a local Hawaiian healer and let them sit in the dark in a jar to obtain the juice.  I have shared the beverage with friends and patients and anticipate a grim on their face after the first sip. I thought noni juice was supposed to taste funny and that one needed to acquire a taste for it until I tasted Walsh’s juice.  He did not make its concoction a secret and explained to me how to prevent the juice from fermenting and acquiring this unpleasant taste.  Since then, I only use his juice and it is a pleasure to drink it, plus we can give it to people who have a problem with alcohol because it is non-alcoholic.

He had his juice tested and these are the results of the test. No wonder this juices has wonderful healing properties for numerous illnesses!  It contains large amounts of vitamins and trace minerals.  His juice was tested in 2004 by independent labs in the US and Japan and here are the results.


Lab Test Results combined from independent labs in USA and Japan


Sample Test Dates: 1/26/04 to 1/30/04

Sample from SO: #001/010404/2T

Sample size 100g


Water   94.1g

Protein  0.60g

Fat            0.40 %

Ash            .50 %

Carbohydrates  5.40 %

Calories         28

Sodium         2.1 mg/100g

Sucrose         4.5 g/100g

Phosphorous 16.3 mg/100g

Thiamine (B1)         0.03 mg/100g

Riboflavin (B2)         0.005 mg/100g

Niacin (B3)                  0.39mg/100g

Vitamin B6         1.23mg/100g

Vitamin B12 ,.44 mcg/100g

Vitamin C         2.9mg/100g

Fiber                  0.4g/100g

Tannin Acid         0.12 g/100g

Iron         0.58 mg/100g

Calcium  10.1mg/100g

Potassium         237mg/100g

Magnesium  16.8 mg/100g

Copper         79 mcg/100g

Zinc                  123 mcg/100g

Manganese   149mcg/100g

Specific Gravity 1.015

Viscosity         1.3`

pH         3.3

Refract.solids  8%

Coliform         <3.0>

APC         30 CFU

Yeast & Mold  <10>


Compiled by PM Walsh Group.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis & Raw Food Internship coming to stay with us!

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and raw food

We hear many stories about raw food can fix many illness.  Here is another one from Ireland.  I am glad to announce that Jan will be with us for three months starting June 1st 2009, sharing his experience of raw food nutrition and MS. Look for more on raw food nutrition and MS on our website or our blog.  Aloha,

Dr. Baylac


Dear Dr. Baylac,


I am writing to ask about a possibility to join any of your fasting programs as an intern, assistant, chef or any other member of staff. My name is Jan B., and I am 31 year old raw food advocate and health missionary, currently living in Dublin, Ireland. My raw food journey began around 2 years ago. At that time I was desperately looking for a way to slow down the rapid deterioration of my health. In 2004 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and during the following 2 years the symptoms of MS and other physical and mental disorders further intensified. When the situation reached the threshold I started searching for a more effective solution since the traditional medicine only offered the classic "pill for life".A long story short, after two years on a primarily raw living diet, I am now symptom free enjoying the best health since my teenage years. 


Last year I got certified as a raw food chef at Living Light Culinary Arts institute in Fort Bragg, California, and since then have been sharing my health message and all my skills and knowledge about the living food diet with the community around me. I am receiving more and more queries from other people about how to tackle this or that disease or an addiction, or how to detoxify or change to a more natural way of eating. Although, I possess quite an unique personal experience with natural healing, fasting and detoxification, and hence am able to advise people in some cases, I feel I still require more practical experience with fasting, detox and nature's healing on a larger scale. 


Your retreat centre on the big island of Hawaii appeals to me very much and I would love to offer you my skills and time if you happen to need an extra pair of hands and mind during your programs.


You can find out a liitle more about myself on my blog - If you wish to have a more detailed chat, I would be delighted to speak to you on the phone at any time. Just advise me about the best time to call and I will make sure to contact you then.


I will look forward to hearing from you soon.


Kindest Regards

